Howliday Inn charges for each night the canine client stays with us. Please note: Your reservation drop off date counts as Night #1.
Check-in & check-out time frames are between 7am - 11am or 2pm - 6pm, seven (7) days a week. The only change to this schedule occurs on specific holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve & New Year's Day), however you are still able to check-in or check-out your pup/s on all holidays.
We do charge a late-pick up fee for dogs checking out between 2pm - 6pm (1/2 of the lodging fee for each pup checking out late).
Our reservation system requires a specific time be added. This also helps us determine what suites are available for check-in, so please be specific when requesting with your times (15 min increments) when requesting a lodging stay.
Please Note: There is a minimal fee included when lodging on certain holidays.
Cancellation Fee: We understand that plans may change, and a cancellation may be necessary. We ask that if you do need to cancel, you give us a minimum of a 48 hour notice from your scheduled check-in day. For all no-shows or cancellations that are less than a 48 hour notice, customers will incur a charge of 1/2 their reservation total.
A deposit is required for stays of eight (8) or more days. A deposit may also be required especially during our busiest times of the year such as holidays and school break periods. The Howliday Inn Concierge will let you know if you will need to submit a deposit.
Reservations at our facility are limited in most of our boarding styles and we may become full very quickly during peak seasons of the year. When our facility reaches capacity, we are forced to refuse reservations. When someone with a current reservation cancels, does not show (or adjusts in some cases) last-minute, we often cannot refill the space.
Please note: ALL plastic payments do incur a 4% service fee. To avoid this fee, a client may pay with cash or check.
In most cases, clients will pay at pick up. However, for long term stays (eight (8) or more days), 1/2 payment is required at the time of drop off.
To be a guest at Howliday Inn, dogs are required to be current on their vaccinations. For your convenience, here are a list of the vaccinations Howliday Inn currently requires:
Rabies vaccination (yearly)
DHPP or DHLPP vaccination (yearly)
Bordetella vaccination (yearly)
Flea & Tick perventative
Fecal test (ONLY if your pup is participating in dog group play services. The test needs to show a NEGATIVE result to pass.)
We highly encourage customers to also get the H3N2 or Canine Influenza (typically a yearly vaccine, but please confirm with your vet regarding how frequently this is required). This is NOT a required vaccination, and if you do not get this for your pup(s), we require that you sign a waiver confirming that you understand the risks.
We at Howliday Inn believe your vet is most familiar with what your pup(s) needs/need, and we will differ to him/her if anything else is needed or not needed regarding vaccination care. Your vet is welcome to email ( your pet's vaccination records to us, or we can request the vaccination records for our files. Please let us know if this service is needed.
Since we like to keep our dog-to-staff ratio low, everything we do with our canine lodging guests is personalized and focused on one dog at a time. Every potty break, extended walk, extra service is spent 1-on-1 with one of our canine concierge team. Again, this service approach is unique compared to most facilities. We adore the fact that we really get to know each and every guest! This also gives us the opportunity to better care for all types of breeds and personalities so that each pet can experience a safe and enjoyable “howliday” while at the Inn. If your dog(s) is/are lodging with us and has passed a social evaluation less than THREE (3) months prior to the lodging stay or regularly participates in our dog daycare program, they can participate in our daycare group during the work week. If requested, this group play session will replace extended walk/playtime sessions.
Other than food, you do not need to bring anything for your pet’s stay, but you are more than welcome to bring some things from home to make their stay more comfortable. Many clients will bring a blanket (we provide Kurunda orthopedic beds for all our guests), toys and treats. Please limit the size of blankets to full size (so they can be washed if needed). Please do not bring dog bowls unless your pet will not eat from any other bowl or has an allergy to metal bowls. Many times your pet’s bowls will be washed and then forgotten at pick up. Do not bring ceramic or glass bowls for your pets as they can easily break.
We realize that you are going to be very anxious to reunite with your pet after your time away. We find that it is easier to settle your bill first before bringing your pet out to you. Most pets are very excited and it makes it very difficult to handle your paper work while they want your attention.
If you are going to pick up your pet before the original pick up date, be sure to call us the day before so that we can bathe them if you requested this service.
If your departure date is going to be a few days later, please let us know, as in most cases it isn’t usually a problem, but we like to know this so we can adjust our reserved spacing and do any bathing at the appropriate time.
If someone else is to pick up your pet for you, please leave us his or her name (for security) and phone number. The bill must be paid at the time of departure. You may pay ahead, leave your credit card number on our file, leave a check with us or your friend, however you wish, but we do not release a pet without payment. (If you are having some personal problems and there are any persons you do not wish us to release your pet to, please make sure we are aware of this).
Please do not give your pet a lot of water or food when they arrive home. Your pet will be excited and may appear very thirsty. The Inn always provides your pet with water. Allow your pet to settle at home for a while before giving him/her any food or water. If you give your pet a lot of water and food, you are running the chance of diarrhea and vomitting due to nerves and excitement.
It is also important to talk about illness that can appear after a dog visits or stays at a dog care facility. One of the most common is Canine infectious respiratory disease complex (CIRDC), inappropriately called kennel cough since dogs can catch CIRDC anywhere there is close or direct contact (e.g., licking or nuzzling) with infected dogs (such as a dog park or meeting up with neighbor dogs on a walk), breathing in cough or sneeze droplets from infected dogs (can occur at a vet's office or groomer/grooming area), and exposure to droplet-contaminated items such as toys, bedding, people's hands, or water bowls. The risk of infection is especially high when dogs are in close contact with other infected dogs for long periods of time.
Most dogs with CIRDC are contagious before they start showing signs, making this illness one of the most challenging when preventing the spread. Also infected dogs are sometimes at their most contagious BEFORE they exhibit symptoms. This is another reason the disease can be difficult to control. It can spread rapidly, leading to outbreaks—particularly in multiple-dog settings. Some CIRDC-associated organisms are also quite hardy, able to survive in the environment for weeks, making controlling spread of infection even more challenging.
Symptoms may include:
- The most common and noticeable symptom of CIRDC is a harsh cough, which is often described as having a “honking” sound.
- Sneezing and nasal discharge. Dogs may exhibit sneezing and have eye and/or nasal discharge.
- Afflicted dogs may appear tired and less active than usual.
- Loss of appetite. Dogs with CIRDC may lose their appetite or have difficulty eating due to throat irritation.
- Fever: Some dogs may develop a low-grade fever.
It’s important to note that these symptoms may also be found in dogs experiencing seasonal allergies, as well as more serious conditions such as canine influenza or the canine distemper virus. However, in cases of CIRDC, dogs typically improve within 7-10 days with basic nursing care.
If you suspect that your pup has CIRDC, we ask that you confirm this with a vet visit and then notify us so we can take the necessary measures we have in place to minimize the spread as much as possible.
We have learned that one size does not fit all when it comes to dog daycare. Dogs can get overly tired and overly stimulated by playing all day without adequate rest. Dogs can also become bored from the same routine. Our unique daycare format ensures your dog gets plenty of rest as well as excellent quality of play. Plus, our on-staff Certified Dog Trainer customizes the daycare program and oversees the safety and enjoyment of all our daycare attendees. Your pet will still get playtime with other dogs, but we’ll add some special small group activities and more one on one attention with the staff so that every day is a unique and fun day tailored specifically for your pet.
All our applicant dogs must pass a social evaluation. The goals of the evaluation are:
Absolutely! Your dog will go home tired but not so exhausted he can’t eat dinner or interact with the family. We are striving for quality play sessions balanced with adequate rest so your dog doesn’t get injuries from over exercising.
That really depends on what your dog likes! We will conduct a thorough assessment to find out what your dog really loves and then we’ll rotate those activities into your dog’s daily stay here. We have a wide range of activities including fetch, pool time, massage time, tricks, nosework, agility, tug time, nature hikes, stuffed kong time, etc.
When it’s time to take a nap, your dog will be provided with a quiet place to rest. Normally this will be a comfortable crate or run with bedding, water, and lunch (if client provided). Your dog will take a much-needed break before his/her next activity. We think this down time is vital to healthy dogs and helps your dog get used to learning how to relax during the day.
To enroll your dog and get him/her started playing, please call us at 314-717-1PET (ext 2) or complete the daycare enrollment form & get the paperwork to us. You can bring forms in, mail/email them or fax to 618-939-9001. Be sure to include your full name, email address and phone number on the enrollment form.
We’ll give you a call to schedule a good time for you and your pet to come in for his/her social screening and to get comfortable with the facility prior to their first play day.
You’ll need to plan to leave your pup(s) with us for about FOUR (4) to FIVE (5) hours for this initial enrollment visit.
Once your pup has been through the social screening and everyone agrees he/she would enjoy daycare, you will want to secure your pup’s spot.
Since our personalized program is tailor fit to your dog’s needs and our dog-to-care attendant ratio is low to ensure quality individual attention is given to our daycare guests, space is limited, so reservations are required (no drop-offs).
The only other requirement we have for daycare/group dog play is that a canine guest must be a “regular” participant in our daycare/group play program by participating at LEAST once every 2 weeks Monday through Friday. This participation can be a ½ day or full day of daycare. We have this rule in place because when dogs do not come back frequently, they are normally very uncomfortable. Sleeping on the couch is a lot less stressful then being in a daycare group with 15 other (energized) dogs. Due to all the energy being expelled while the dogs are out, most dogs are pretty worked up and ready to play! We also ask that you keep in mind our daycare group ranges around medium to extra-large dog breeds. Normally the weight range is between 30 pounds – 140 pounds.
Basic rates are listed on the lodging page ( and on the daycare page ( However, if you really want to learn more about what we are doing to give dogs & their humans the care & peace-of-mind they all deserve, consider calling, emailing or stopping by and talking to one of our fantastic Canine Concierge staff. Even though our pricing is very competitive with similar dog care facilities, a dollar amount cannot explain all that we do & how we do it. We believe taking the next step to learn more about us will be all the help you need when making that decision of where your canine companion(s) will be happiest while you are away.
As of 5/4/21, we are excited to offer full grooming services by appointment only! If pet parent’s wish to have any of our dog day spa services included in their pet’s stay or after day care, please let one of our Canine Concierge team know when scheduling.
To learn more about these services and/or to make an appointment, please email us using the “Contact Us” form on the right side of this page, or call us at 314-717-1PET ext 2. All required vaccinations for lodging are also required for day spa guests.
For the safety and well-being of all our guests, Kritter Kare’s Howliday Inn requires up-to-date vaccination records. These records, once initially entered online along with a paper copy of the records, can ONLY be modified by a Canine Concierge team member when presented with a paper copy from your veternarian of the updated vaccination dates. We are happy to contact your vet and request this information for you, just let us know. Any scheduling of services (e.g. lodging, day care, day spa, etc.) will be suspended until updated vaccination records are provided as outlined above. We appreciate your understanding regarding this policy, as it was put in place to ensure that all our canine guests have a healthy experience while in our care. Also, for your convenience, the database we use sends an email to any client with vaccination dates that will expire within 30 days.
Yes we do! Here are the ways clients can save.
Now, doesn’t that make you want to wag your tail?